Monday, August 29, 2011

Slow and Steady gets faster

Well, things have been going pretty well with running these past couple of weeks. I've been working on my mile to build some strength and trying not to overdo my distance and avoid injury. Ive been trying to pay close attention to my form and it has really made a difference.

When I picked back up on running this summer and started to work on my mile I was running about a 10 minute mile. I've been working that down to low or mid 9's. Quickest mile thus far has been 9:07. Now that I feel a little bit better about my mile time and I feel my legs are a teency bit stronger, I'm going to start picking up those runs to 1.5 and 2 miles.....still throwing one milers in there to work on my speed progress.

I'm capable of running further..but right now, distance is not my goal, it's strength and speed....once I can elevate those areas, distance will come more quickly and less painfully. 

New goal for my mile is sub 9 minute...should come along shortly with the way I have been progressing.

I still have not had a bike ride for a couple of months and I am really excited to get back on my bike. I'll have a great opportunity this week, we are going up to Houghton Lake for the whole holiday. I'm heading up tomorrow night and Kath will be meeting up with me Thursday night. There are plenty of gorgeous areas to ride and run there.....I plan on taking advantage of them. I'll be driving up in the jeep with half doors and no hard or soft top and my bike on the back!  VERY Excited!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Today was one of the loveliest days of summer. The temp was perfect, the breeze was perfect, and the night air was perfect!

I ran outside for the first time in a long while. It felt nice, my pace was not was hot. I'm used to being inside, out of the sun, most of the time with air conditioning(spoiled). I want to run outside more, it gets boring on the treadmill. I ran about a mile and a half at about a 10:30 pace and then jumped in the pool when I got home. Jumping in the pool felt like heaven. After skimming out some bugs and leaves I swam 10 laps the length of the pool and back, One lap, back and forth, is about 90 ft total. Both exercises were very enjoyable...which is the goal.

I have a sheet I've been using to keep track of my "tv" exercises. I mentioned before that I am doing basic free weight and floor exercises when I watch tv, two birds. I have this sloppy page of paper listing each exercise and a hash for each set of reps with a line between days. I find that hashing down and having a visual "journal" of my "leisurely tv exercises" encourages me to do more and makes me feel accomplished. Yippee!

July was a fun month, lot of company, lots of parties by the pool and lots of drinking. I decided to take August off to give my liver a break : ) I haven't drank any booze for almost 3 weeks now, which for me is like a season.

I still have yet to get on my bike in weeks and I'm really looking forward to it!!

Please feel free to comment below and share your exercises, eating tips, experiences, thoughts, etc.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Thanks Chuck Norris

Although I have not checked in for several days, I am indeed keeping to my fabylous efforts. I have ran a few times since my last post, chipping my mile down a bit; 9:44, 9:34, 9:32. It seems that just above 9:30 is where it's at for me right now, I'll try to shoot for that range when I incorporate a quick mile into my workout. Right now I know I couldn't hold that pace, my goal for now is to work toward being able to hold a 10 minute pace for a 5k. I plan to continue working on my mile and getting used to a little more speed and then pushing myself a little further when I feel ready.

In addition to light running; I'm working on some pretty simple leg, core and upper body exercises. I love having a total gym....there are a lot of jokes about Chuck Norris, really good ones actually ! All joking aside, Chuck created the Total Gym and for working out at home it's really great. There are a ton of strengthening exercises you can do all on one machine. There is certainly more room for error with the total gym versus using a bunch of different machines that are all specified for certain exercises. For me, it gets the job done as long as you do your homework and make sure your positioning and posture are correct. The brightest side is being able to target so many areas and still work out at home. My parents have a total gym and I used to use it when I lived with them, I found someone selling a used one online for something like 60 bucks years ago....smokin' deal.

Something else I've been doing for years, but am doing with a but more vigor and diligence now, is doing crunches, leg lifts and lifting free weights while watching tv. It's nice to be accomplishing something while you watch the death box.

They once made a Chuck Norris toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Midnight Snack

A big downfall for me has always been eating at night. This is partially from getting home after 8 or 9 pm and being hungry from a days work. I really need to break this habit, because that is really what it has become for me, a habit. A fat habit.

Eating before bed can be problematic in multiple ways. First; your body will not likely properly digest the food that you ate, causing bloating, gas and cramping in the morning. blagh... Secondly; Your body is working to digest food while you are supposed to be resting and recuperating for the next day, not only will you feel bloated, crampy, gassy and fat in the morning, but you will be tired throughout the day. This is really not sounding worth it at all. Lastly; all the extra NON-BURNED calories have to go somewhere......I have a couple key areas it's evident they like to go.

Lots of people like to say NO EATING AFTER 7! Well, it's really more like "Don't eat meals or heavy foods 3 hours before bed." If you usually don't go to bed until 12 or can still eat a small meal up to 9 or 10...I would also consider how active you'll be those 3 hours leading up to sleepy time.

After work I got a mile in before getting too relaxed. Tonight was faster at 9:44...I was happy with that. I also did some stretching and leg lifts, 3 sets of 20.I was feeling very snacky tonight, I'm happy to say I had a nectarine!

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Take the edge off

The last two days were really nice, what a great weekend. I find that when I've had a run, long or short, it really smooths all my edges. Areas where I may be feeling moody or cranky or edgy, even a quick run can really sand those puppies down.

Yesterday I ran a mile and did forearm pulls on the Total Gym, 3 sets of 25, I felt that today in my arms. My mile was 10:50.....not fast....but decent for me. I added another quarter mile after doing my arm reps for good measure. Later I shot some hoops outside for about half an hour, I am REALLY rusty...but I love bball, later I went for a nice dip to cool off.

Today I ran another mile, sped it up a bit to 9:59. This is actually a pretty decent mile for me. My goal with these single mile runs is to make myself run a little faster and get used to running faster before I increase my mileage. I'm also running in my WT10 minimus shoes, which are a strengthening tool all on their own. This is a different approach for me, but I like it so far. I also did bicep pulls on the total gym, 3 sets of 25.  Right after my workout I played some more bball for about 45 shots improved but I am still VERY rusty.  My GAGA remixes definitely had a part in me bringing down my mile time. : )

Those two days of some fun exercise felt great...I can feel that my body is stronger from all the effort I put in during April and May. I'm really looking forward to a decent bike ride...soon.

Now to balance my athletic efforts at fitness.....I'm going to make mini cheesecakes, they will take another kind of edge off....and I'm sure they will help "round" me out.

I'm a nerd.

Friday, August 05, 2011

I'm not Slim Shady, but I'm back ...just shady.

Hey y'all.

Well I took myself a break from blogging and a break from my intensive workout program. I am proud of what I had accomplished back in the spring. I tend to be all or nothing when it comes to exercise and nutrition, I need to teach myself that it doesn't have to be that way, small steps are ok and not a fail. It may take me some time to convince myself that I can be both, intensive and non intensive, simultaneously, and still have results with both fitness and physique. For some reason I feel like I need to workout for 2 hours to really have it be worth while. Inside myself I know this is not true and I need to re train myself to be alright with a quick mile run and that's all, or swimming for 20 minutes and that's it. I feel so accomplished by completing a challenge that I set for myself and sometimes when I don't feel challenged I want to give up. Well, time for a new leaf.....this is all part of the experience of this journey...every part of it...

This doesn't mean I'm giving up my long bike rides or running or anything.....I'm just going to try and let things flow a little more smoothly so that exercise and nutrition do not feel like an obligation, but a privilege, and a thoroughly enjoyable one.

Today I went swimming for about 20 minutes, did a couple of laps and some fun flips and some swimming under water. Later I ran a mile and then went swimming at night with some friends. As we were floating in the pool chatting I was doing leg lifts and treading water off and on for about half an hour...I see this as a good and active day and I'm happy to say I'm getting back on my fitness horse!

yee haw!
