Today was one of the loveliest days of summer. The temp was perfect, the breeze was perfect, and the night air was perfect!
I ran outside for the first time in a long while. It felt nice, my pace was not was hot. I'm used to being inside, out of the sun, most of the time with air conditioning(spoiled). I want to run outside more, it gets boring on the treadmill. I ran about a mile and a half at about a 10:30 pace and then jumped in the pool when I got home. Jumping in the pool felt like heaven. After skimming out some bugs and leaves I swam 10 laps the length of the pool and back, One lap, back and forth, is about 90 ft total. Both exercises were very enjoyable...which is the goal.
I have a sheet I've been using to keep track of my "tv" exercises. I mentioned before that I am doing basic free weight and floor exercises when I watch tv, two birds. I have this sloppy page of paper listing each exercise and a hash for each set of reps with a line between days. I find that hashing down and having a visual "journal" of my "leisurely tv exercises" encourages me to do more and makes me feel accomplished. Yippee!
July was a fun month, lot of company, lots of parties by the pool and lots of drinking. I decided to take August off to give my liver a break : ) I haven't drank any booze for almost 3 weeks now, which for me is like a season.
I still have yet to get on my bike in weeks and I'm really looking forward to it!!
Please feel free to comment below and share your exercises, eating tips, experiences, thoughts, etc.
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