Yesterday I set out to run another 4 miles. I wanted to tell the whiny 2 year old inside of me who was boss, me.
Well, the whiny 2 year old is more like a Lazy Alter Ego. We all have at least one. That jackass- really knows how to work it. We get excited and we get motivated to change our lives and then LAE swoops in and knows just which justifications to push. I'm too tired, cleaning, kids, I had a good workout yesterday, I've made progress, I just don't feel like it, I don't have the right clothes, the right shoes, the right equipment, it's too cold, I'm hungover, on and on and on it goes until we are stereotypical FAT fools wondering what the hell happened. We gave up, gave in, succumbed, or are just plain lazy.
I've decided that I am the boss of the LAE and that fugger reports to me.
So as I was saying, I set out to run 4 miles yesterday, in the spirit of kicking the LAE's A$$, I did 5. It felt good, and I really didn't run into any worrisome pains or cramps, I think it was karma.
Today I ran 3 miles in my WT10's again. I am really starting to enjoy this shoe. Let me tell you, I felt the difference. My left ankle was letting me know how it felt about the lack of support(intentional in this footwear line) as mile 3 approached, I also had some cramping in my left hamstring after I finished. Surprisingly I am not experiencing any shin discomfort at all thus far, I think this is attributed to the amount of focus I have been putting on my form.
Important TIP:
-USE BODY GLIDE! Body glide is the best stuff for an athlete! Who has had a blister? Every human, athletic or not. Who has worn the wrong clothes in the wrong weather and had serious chafing? Most humans! Body glide goes on like deodorant but it is clean, not greasy, odor free and SAVES YOUR ASS, literally! When you run/walk a distance, and you have a big bootie,....well....sometimes you can run into a chafing issue. BODYGLIDE. When you wear the wear cotton anywhere on your body that can rub, the cotton is absorbent and holds sweat against your body, your skin gets soft and moist, as it rubs together you chafe and blister. ewwww and ouch! BODYGLIDE! Your bra line, your nipples (male or female), underarms, between legs, bootie cheeks, FEET most of all, feet! This stuff is gold! Put it on and suit up.
It's been 5 straight days of running, I'm ready for a bike ride!
You should get a sponsorship from BodyGlide after this glowing review.
ReplyDelete- TONY
Tony- They did thank me on twitter for this. : )