Yesterday was a dreary mofo of a day. Rain..blagh...rain. Looks like it's going to be that way until Saturday. I am blessed to have a room tucked away in my basement where is can workout. I have enough equipment to cover my basis. I have a treadmill, total gym, stationary bike, couple free weights, an ab roller and a PUNCHING BAG! I love my punching has helped me through some times. I have collected all this stuff over the past 10 years, it sounds like a lot, but it took time to get it all. I'm telling you about all this crap because I want you to know, I have ZERO excuse not to workout. I don't have to leave the house, it doesn't matter what I look like, what the weather is doing, unless I am sick or away from home, there is no excuse.
I wasn't really 'Feeling it' yesterday. Wanted to play on the computer, tidy about the house, play with the dogs, twirl my hair, ANYTHING other than start running. Well, I got my a$$ up, suited up and went to it. I did some strengthening BS, some total gym and leg lifts and some free weights, stretched and got on the mill.
I like to start out with weights on my arms. This may sound odd. I have two 2 LB weights, the kind you can wrap around your ankles. I wrap these around my hands and run with them on for the first mile. This contributes major toning to my arms and upper body, it also makes me feel weighted down and extra laboured through the first mile. This sounds really isn't so bad. Once I throw the weights on the floor, I feel super light and invigorated to pick up the pace for the remaining mileage.
After I threw the weights off, the next mile and a half were tough. I was feeling tired and I didn't want to focus on my form at all. It was like arguing with a 2 year old inside myself. I set out to do 4 miles. The 2 year old wanted to call it a day at a 5k. A 5k is a respectable distance, it's even long enough to be an event.
My stubborn mule willpower won out in litigation against the 2 year old and I did all 4 miles. It felt good all in all and I was really sweating! I hope you can't get pink eye from sweat getting in your eyes, even with my headsets headband I was still getting an eye full. Tobi, our 4 month old lab, was hanging out with me while I ran, he kept threatening to try and get on the treadmill. He was helping me stretch afterwards, photo below.
Today I'm gonna do another 4, just to show that 2 year old who's boss!
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